The Art of Sarah Curtiss: Contour Nudes, Carmen the Chicken Killer, Odd, Light on Dark, Charcoal, Book People, Patterns, Pattern People, Mythical People, Female People, Gorditas, One Nipple Naughties, Everything IS, Flowers, Fruit, Scenic Paths, Checkerboards, Books for sale, PC Software Technology Services, list of artists, HOME

Patterns The images in this book are close-ups of driftwood, mud, sand, water, flowers and the odd fish, interspersed with images taken in a flight across the western United States. There is no key to identify which images are near or which images are far. Puzzlement is part of this art project. I’m puzzled by much in life and am passing that puzzle on to my viewers. What is the point of it all? I'm not sure; maybe it's just pointless and wonderful.
Red Eye
Purple Panther
Yellow Bird
Face of the Land